Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pictures; not posts

Actually, I can't say anything about posting or pictures. For some time now, I haven't done much of either. I do have several blogs (so many that I forget where they are). But, today it seems that I've found one that's reminded me of the other. Now, just to find my camera.

I'll be going out today and taking a few pictures while I'm taking care of other business. I've been doing some reading of different forums and trying to learn new techniques to help my photography skills. But, I'm still a long way from where I want to be.

In the meantime: since posting last, I've added a lot of photos to my smugmug site. You can take a look at my photos there at www.beverly5876.smugmug.com. Near the top of the page is a section where you can check out only the photos you've missed since last checking out my site. Just put in the dates covering the time frame that you want to check. If you haven't yet seen my site, please go down to the albums and click on a picture. Please notice that there are more albums in each 'section' of albums. I'd love it if you'd leave your comment on my photos.

Have a great day and hopefully it won't be so long before I get back with you.

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