Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Latest Photography

Ashamedly, I haven't taken more than a handful of photos since December. With the back problems, due to a work injury, I just haven't felt the urge to increase my pain level. Okay, so that's not a great way of putting it. But, all photographers know that you need to be flexible, able to take up without much notice, be able to go where the average person won't tread, have the ability to get into some unusual positions to get the perfect angle for the shot, etc, etc, etc.

Since I haven't met most of those requirements, I just haven't really been in the mood for photography. Maybe I need to start taking some antidepressants so that I'll at least have a better disposition and start carrying my camera with me more often so that I can be prepared for the occasional picture that has my name on it. Well, that's the way that it's supposed to work anyway.

Spring is starting to pop out, here in the far upper NW part of the USA; and in particular, here in the NW part of the NW state of Washington. Although the cherry blossoms haven't burst forth, on the trees in front of my house, all over the Tacoma area I see the pinkish flowers covering the Puget Sound area. Although the trees that line my street are being stubborn in sharing their beauty, I'm trying to be patient because I know that they are the biggest, most beautiful and longest lasting of all the trees around. They do that just for my enjoyment, you know!

So, I'm hoping that, very shortly, my spirits will rise and I'll have a few good days in which I'll be up to sitting on the front porch or taking a walk with my 'chair' walker and get some photos taken. And, if I don't have those good days, maybe I'll at least get into a better disposition and have the camera and tripod ready to at least get a couple of pictures of some local wildlife (ok, so I'm talking about the city squirrels). And, when I find something and am able to capture a fairly good photo, I'll be sharing it with you.

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